Saturday, July 24, 2010

"The Priestleys Love USANA Too!"

“We Love USANA!”

nullFor all of the amateur astronomers out there, you may have noticed two more bright stars were recently added to the constellation USANA Major. Your telescope wasn’t fooling you.Jason and Naomi Priestley joined the group of bright-burning Hollywood stars who are fans of USANA.

This exciting new celebrity partnership is announced in the special edition of the USANA Magazine, where you will also find more of USANA’s famous fans—think of it as your guide to all the stars in the USANA night sky.

Although they’re recent additions to the USANA star map, the Priestleys are no strangers to the world-class products. Jason said it was four or five years ago when a friend introduced them to USANA. 

“We took the HealthPak for years,” he said. 

But they recently switched to MyHealthPak™.

“I guess the MyHealthPak is my favorite thing for right now. I love it,” Naomi said.

Jason, who you may also know as Beverly Hills 90210 heartthrob Brandon Walsh, has a different favorite.

“I’ve enjoyed the added benefits of the MyHealthPak, but the thing that I’ve really enjoyed is Pure Rest,” he said. “As I find that I’m getting a little older and my sleep patterns are getting a little more thrown off and I seem to be getting a little less sleep at night that Pure Rest really helps me get back to a really restful, deep sleep.”

Good nutrition and a good night’s sleep are essentials for this busy couple. Jason is an accomplished director, producer, and owner of an IndyCar Series racing team. Naomi is a talented makeup artist who has worked on the sets of several popular television shows. They’re also the parents of two children.

“Basically, we are big fans of the whole product line,” Jason said. “We dig the whole groove. It’s really good stuff, and it has really kept us incredibly healthy for the last five years. It’s been pretty awesome.”

And it’s not a stretch to say that it’s definitely more than pretty awesome to count the Priestleys among the list of USANA fans. To read more about Jason and Naomi, along with all the other stars up in USANA’s night sky, check out the special edition of the USANA Magazine.

* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

** Long-time fans of USANA products, Jason and Naomi Priestley are currently USANA Preferred Customers and have been compensated for use of their name and likeness in marketing materials.