Tuesday, July 13, 2010

NFL Policy On Steroids & Related Banned Substances

Below please find the NFL Policy on Steroids & Related Banned Substances. 

  • Appendix G (below) is a memo from John A. Lombardo who served as the NFL Advisor for Anabolic/Androgenic Steroids & Related Substances.
  • The 3rd paragraph of  NFL Policy Apendix G (below) addresses 1994 Dietary Law in detail.
  • 1994 Dietary Law is one of the reasons there are such variances in the quality of manufacturing as it pertains to nutritional supplements. 
  • The ramifications of the 1994 Dietary Law are a major reason why all serious athletes must strongly consider one of the four pharmaceutical grade nutritional supplement companies recognized by the Nutrisearch Comparative Guide to Nutritional Supplmentation. The Nutrisearch Comparative Guide is  an independant, 3rd party entity created solely to evaluate nutrional goods by utilizing a uniform evaluation process.
  • These four nutritional companies abide by the same GOOD MANUFACTURING PRACTICES and are held to the same standards as companies in the pharmaceutical industry

For access to the entire policy please contact me directly.

From: Dr. John Lombardo
Subject: Nutritional Supplements

Click To Enlarge: