A key benefit to becoming affiliated with USANA is the team environment that exists within the company. As an individual that has participated in organized sports all his life, successfully led corporate training and managed executive teams, I can truly speak to the value as well as importance of TEAMWORK!
I was initially introduced to USANA by The Cervantes Family. Jerry Cervantes is now a personal USANA mentor and friend of mind. In addition he sits on the Team Domin8 Advisory Panel and oversees all endevours that Team Domin8 considers participating in.
Mr. Jerry Cervantes has led a storied life. He was diagnosed with Large B-Cell Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma Cancer (NHL) in October 2004. This disease is a cancer of the lymphatic system, which is part of the immune system, whose primary function is to ward off disease and infection. Non-Hodgkins lymphoma causes cells in the lymphatic system to abnormally reproduce, eventually leading to tumor growth. In addition, these cancerous cells can also spread to other organs. About 40 -50% of people with this type of lymphoma can be cured with therapy.
I was initially introduced to USANA by The Cervantes Family. Jerry Cervantes is now a personal USANA mentor and friend of mind. In addition he sits on the Team Domin8 Advisory Panel and oversees all endevours that Team Domin8 considers participating in.
Mr. Jerry Cervantes has led a storied life. He was diagnosed with Large B-Cell Non-Hodgkins Lymphoma Cancer (NHL) in October 2004. This disease is a cancer of the lymphatic system, which is part of the immune system, whose primary function is to ward off disease and infection. Non-Hodgkins lymphoma causes cells in the lymphatic system to abnormally reproduce, eventually leading to tumor growth. In addition, these cancerous cells can also spread to other organs. About 40 -50% of people with this type of lymphoma can be cured with therapy.
Before USANA
(Jerry with Doctor Joshua Bletzinger, October 2004)
Needless to say, the success rate is not great and when Mr. Cervantes was diagnosed he was classified as having Stage IV Aggressive NHL disease (the worst of all levels). His doctor could do nothing more for him other than recommend immediate high-dose chemotherapy if he was to have a chance at living.
Post Stem Cell Transplant
(Jerry with wife, July 2005)
His chemotherapy sessions began in November 2004 and ended in March 2005. He was advised of all the negative effects that he would face while on therapy, but surprisingly he experienced the utter opposite. Minimal hair loss, no vomiting, increased appetite, and higher levels of energy, were just a few of the positive effects he experienced while taking Usana.
His journey didn't end there. After an arduous experience he now faced a stem cell transplantation in May 2005. This would be one of his most difficult moments and would require him to be hospitalized for a minimum of 25 days. Miraculously, Jerry was able to undergo a stem cell transplantation and be out of the hospital in a record-breaking 17 days! Doctors were stunned with his recovery as the average patient will take a minimum of 25-30 days to recover from such an incident.
Furthermore, Jerry blew away doctors with his ability to reproduce stem cells. It takes the average human 3-5 days to build a minimum amount of 5 million stem cells, required for the transplant. In Jerry's case it took him only 8 hours to collect 6 million, a result which doctors today cannot explain. It was evident that Jerry was not alone in his mission to survive as Usana was with him every step of the way strengthening him and supporting him on his road to recovery. At the end of May Jerry was cleared by doctors as no longer having cancer. It is clear that the stem cell transplantation was successful. Cellular repair through the use of Usana products made a pivotal impact on his recovery. While Usana is not a cure for cancer it definitely played a key role in his recovery into full remission.
(Jerry with Doctor Joshua Bletzinger, March 2006)
This testament isn't chance or good fortune, but has been brought about by Usana's proven capability to deliver cellular repair, critical for Jerry and others like him. As a result, we also support the company and its product line in an effort to educate all people to the benefits of supplements and not just any supplement, but Usana Health Sciences, a pharmaceutical grade supplement. We don't push supplements, what we encourage is a lifestyle change. By educating one another we can improve our chances of living longer, healthier, and fuller lives.
Jerry has now been in remission since March 2005 and attributes his full recovery to his Lord and Savior Jesus Christ through whom all things can be accomplished.
Red Carpet Reunion 2009
Cincinnati V.I.P. Rev3 Launch Event
(Lloyd Singer, Al Washington & Jerry Cervantes)
Red Carpet Reunion 2009
Cincinnati Rev3 V.I.P. Launch Party
(Jerry Cervantes, "Box" Miller & Lloyd Singer)